Water, Sanitation & Hygiene 
The right to water means women and children have the right to safe drinking water and proper sanitary conditions. Water, sanitation and hygiene is essential for good health, survival and proper growth. The girl child and women in general need water, sanitary facilities to support their hygiene and dignity during menstruation.
What we do
  • we carry out community awareness/sensitization sessions on the effects of poor sanitation infrastructure and poor hygiene management and build their capacities on best practices for water, sanitation and hygiene management
  • We carry out menstrual health management and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene  (MHM/WASH) activities to increase awareness and good practices for menstrual hygiene management for women and girls
  • We construct wells to provide safe drinking water to children in vulnerable    communities.
  • We construct toilets in schools and hand wash spaces
  • We provide dignity kits (pads, pants, buckets and soap) to children especially adolescent girls who are facing hardships to support their dignity and hygiene.