Training for children :The task of assisting children who are already experiencing difficult circumstance is very demanding. we believe that when children are educated/informed/sensitized, they take precautionary measures in order to live healthily.  We organise workshops and seminars for boys and girls and some specifically for adolescent girls

Parent Counseling training: Parent counseling training is designed to educate and empower parents/foster parents/caregivers or takers to develop positive parenting skills and become more self-loving in any parenting related issues the find themselves.

Worried about your child or another child your are living with! we are here to help with counseling and training on the following:

  • Difficult behaviour
  • parenting challenges
  • Child abuse (sexual or bullying)
  • school drop -out
  • conflict among children in household.


WOMEN2030 Project, 2019.

  • Workshop for community Members, Adolescent Girls and Young Women on Menstrual Hygiene Management in the Bamenda II Municipality 
  • Skill training in the production of Reusable Sanitary Pads.
  • Distribution of Menstrual Hygiene Kit.

SRHR Adolescent girls Club called –Strong’s girl Club  Bamenda, Established in 2019. Thanks to ALLSTARS CONSULTANCY LTD, UK

Building Awesome Children Seminar, Mvog-Betsi Zoo, December 15, 2018. Thanks  to our individual donors: Stella Yufenyuy, USA and Ewo Charlotte, Canada 


Empowering adolescent girls with Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR)/ HIV/STIs Education in the Yaounde VI Municipality, 23 -24 June 2018. Thanks to Julie Ngum & Friends UK


Empowering Adolescent Girls to Speak out Against Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and fight HIV and AIDS in Yaounde, June 25, 2016. Thanks to Dignity Sisters -UK