Article Written by: Konge Fellan Asonyu (an AGYW)

Antiretroviral therapy (ART) is a combination of medications used to treat HIV (human immunodeficiency virus).

The white blood cells call CD4 cells(helper cell) acts as the soldiers of the body fighting against foreign microorganisms that enters the body but when this HIV enters the body it’s destroys these CD4 cells making the immune system suppressed and unable to fight against infections. Normally every human being has above 500CD4 cells but when this virus gets into you, it can be reduced to 200 CD4 cells.Since HIV has no cure, there is a need to reduce the activity of this virus so that it will not completely destroy all the cells and body in general.

I have heard stories of how some people died of AIDS in our community just because they denied to accept the situation and decided to walk around and share the virus to others through sexual intercourse because they couldn’t suffer alone.

How about a man whose wife died of HIV because the man discover his status and started taking his medication secretly without informing his wife.

 Antiretroviral therapy is very important but many people don’t take it serious especially the newly diagnosed because of stigma and also because they don’t want to accept their situation.Taking your drugs is the best thing you can do to yourself if you have been diagnosed with HIV.

Importance of Antiretroviral therapy include;

– It works by stopping HIV from reproducing.

– It can reduce your levels of HIV and keep your immune system healthy.

 -It’s not a cure, but many people reach undetectable levels of HIV.

– It prevent you from getting into AIDs( acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). The reason why you can be with an HIV client for years without knowing his/her status or notice any frequent ill health is because he/she is consistently taking her drugs.

HIV couple can equally give birth to a negative children if both of them are effectively undergoing their therapy.

Many people die of depression and not HIV. As far as you are taking your drugs you will remain healthy and  do what every human beings is doing. 

If you have been diagnosed of HIV or you suspect yourself of being in contact with the virus get to the nearest health care or meet organizations and people who can help you and start your treatment immediately.

If you have already started taking your drugs don’t stop don’t give up you are protecting yourself and also protecting others. Don’t get treatment alone go along with your spouse if he/she is positive.


Hovuca strong girl