Right to Health 

We focus on HIV/AIDS for girls. In Cameroon girls 15 – 19 have a prevalence rate of 2% compared to 0.04% for boys that is why HOVUCA has taken HIV/AIDS as a health priority for girls.

What we do

  • Through workshops and seminars we raise awareness among adolescent girls of the disease, train them on prevention strategies and encourage them to go for counseling and testing.
  • We train the girls on how to engage and participate in the design and implementation for HIV/AIDS policies and projects/activities/programmes.
  • We train HIV/AIDS peer educators
  • We work with Girls living with the diseases and train on how to fight against stigma and discrimination
  • We empower adolescent girls and young women with skills training towards economic support and self-relience. This will help them to have a financial stand so as to fight the HIV/AIDS/ STIs.

Right to Education

Among illiterate communities in Cameroon boys are preferred to girls in as much as going to school is concerned. Domestic work is reserved for girls while boys go to school

What we do

We encourage and support the girl child financial to complete at least primary education and we also support girls in secondary schools.