The Livelihood is a family strengthening programme (FSP)  to help vulnerable children by supporting their parents/guardiants,foster parent/caregivers etc with skill training or small money to do business or any other income generating activity to raise money and earn a living and become food secured and access basic needs for the children under their care
Business Support
HOVUCA’s Business support project is designed to assist caregivers, caretakers, guardians with some money to carry out any business activity that will help them to take care of the vulnerable children under them. These small funds help them to either do business that will make profits. This small money is also available for any potential vulnerable child (15 – 18) who is business incline and also for child headed household to invest in any income generating activity so as to become self-supporting and also support their sibling if there are any.

Agriculture/farming Support
Together with our partners we identify vulnerable children and families with potentials in farming and help to develop sustainable mechanisms to help them increase yields and production, and to sell their produce to larger buyers and markets.
So far we have help some families to carry out cabbage gardening as an income generating activity and food security for their families.